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  1. Dalo Harkin

    VIA quits motherboard chipset business

    VIA is now focusing on x86 processors and the integrated motherboard market, rather than chipsets for third-party CPUs Previously one of the best chipset makers for enthusiasts looking for high performance on a budget, VIA has said that it now sees no future in making chipsets for third...
  2. Dalo Harkin

    Ubisoft reveals Far Cry 2 specs

    Far Cry 2 has made some interesting appearances over the past few months, with a few teasers showing off the new Dunia engine built for the game in addition to a bit of actual gameplay footage. The game does look impressive, but what many fans are probably wondering is exactly what the system...
  3. Dalo Harkin

    Transmeta Licenses Low-Power Tech to Nvidia

    Transmeta said Thursday that the company had licensed its LongRun technology to Nvidia, providing the graphics chip maker access to low-power technology. Nvidia will pay Transmeta $25M for a non-exclusive license to the technology, which includes both the LongRun and LongRun2 technologies...