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  1. R

    error deleting file or folder - in use by another person or program

    Hi I downloaded he client for Dark Age of Camalot (online game) left the pc overnight (big download) in the morning it crashed (hung) the file is sitting on my desktop at 0 bytes and i cannot delete it. Tried restarting in safe node too... win xp media centre edition sp3 2gig ram fatality...
  2. J

    iTunes broke

    hey ppl for some reason my itunes isnt working properly.every times I try to access it it got this "The iTunes Libary.itl file is locked,on a locked disk.or you do not have the write permission for this file" I dont get why its doing this when it was working fine last night,Im the only user...
  3. F

    sccfg.sys - what does it mean?

    This item keeps appearing as a rootkit-hidden in my BitDefender scan. What does it mean and is it malicious? Please help.