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  1. G

    Cant delete Nero

    Hellllppp. I have a copy of Nero 7 essentials that stopped working so I am trying to uninstall it. Problem is it gets so far and I get the mesage "shell manager database is corrupt or missing" and it wont go any further. Does anyone have an idea of how I can get rid of it. Thanks GS
  2. shrimply

    TV software

    Hi , I don't know if this is the right place I could of sworn there was a multimedia section but can't see one. Can any one suggest some good free TV viewing software, I have a cheap USB digital receiver, it came with blaze TV software which is rubbish and I've been using it happily with...
  3. K

    File recovery programme. Big Help needed

    I have just found out that a file of my daughters with photo's of her late nan was not backed up to my ext hd, so after my recent troubles and system re load etc the file is not there. My repair man ran file scavenger and it came up with 1000's of jpegs but they either won't open even in...
  4. F

    sccfg.sys - what does it mean?

    This item keeps appearing as a rootkit-hidden in my BitDefender scan. What does it mean and is it malicious? Please help.