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  1. M

    tool bar "VIEW EDIT FILE..." vanished

    as a beginner wanting to explore, i have inadvertently "hiddden" the tool bar which allowed me to edit - cut/paste. can someone help? thank you WINDOWS XP HOME, I E
  2. T

    toolbar problem

    hpcompaq 610 (7ultimate), 2ghz dual core t5780, 2gb ram, 160gb hdd. whilst browsing using firefox, i was encouraged to download, (with uninstaller), a toolbar from "on the box" - a tv listings website. now i cannot find the uninstaller and the thing seems to be giving me problems. any...
  3. Jared Hill

    HI all, I need help, Weird 90* thing

    My laptop has gone sideways :confused: the Windows toolbar is at the bottem but its not straight, its hard to describe. The start button goes vertical so are all the icons and the time on the tool bar. My desktop has also been fliped 90* so have all the seperate icons like word. Could...