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windows phone 8

  1. M

    Nokia Lumia 925 Analysis - Great Hardware but Bad Software

    My friend Ntutu Letseka from PhoneRPT has just written a deep review on the Nokia Lumia 925. This is those kind of reviews you want to see before buying a Lumia phone. This Nokia Lumia 925 is a fantastic device from a hardware perspectiv but feels like its being held back by the software. The...
  2. M

    Flipboard on Windows Phone 8 and Windows RT

    Flipboard is for sure the best Magazine Reader App. I would even say that Flipboard was one of the main causes that lead to the foreclosure of Google Reader. Having that said, Flipboard is going to be released in the next few weeks for the Windows Phone 8 and for the Windows RT (yep, you can use...