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Can't Access Drive on Local Net


FPCH Member
Nov 14, 2011
Some Experience

I use a redundant 1TB HDD drive L:\ in a USB caddy as a backup drive on computer //BB

Second computer //AA sees the drive on the local net but no way will it allow access to either the whole drive or to shared folders on it.

A flash drive, also on \\BB with the same settings, can be accessed as a whole drive by \\AA.

File & Printer Sharing is on, network passwords are off.

Why the difficulty with the HDD when the flash drive can be accessed, and how to get round the problem ?

Both machines are Windows 10 64-bit. v10.0.18363 Build 18363


I can actally access the individual directories, which I didn't realise were the ones on that net drive. I just can't access the drive as a whole, which is no problem now that I understand what is going on.


I am sorry that you didn't get a response to your original question.
Are you OK with the external drive now ?