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FPCH Member
Jul 25, 2009
Sydney, Australia
Very Experienced
How could I capture in editable format, the entire results a search, which may be several screens long ? Most convenient would be a spread sheet, since the results are in tabular form.
Hi Sebastian;

What type of search results are you talking about?
What exactly do you need to do and why?
Well that is practically impossible. I mean you can tabulate your search results for long term use but then they would not be editable. If you would want them editable, then they would not retain their original interface.

If the style of the end result doesn't matter, then the best way would be to simply copy and paste the results. I might be wrong on this but I am using Google results as a reference.

You might want to provide us with more information so that we can help you better.

Hope that helps. :)

-- Goku
Randyl RL
I am talking about the file search results from a Windows Exlorer Search.

I have files in many folders (and subfolders). There may well be
duplicates, (which I want to delete) but SOME of their file details could
be different. I can get a list of ALL files by doing a search on *.* in the
'master' folder. If I could transfer that result to a spreadsheet, then I
could divide the listed items up into such batches as I choose and
re-arrange the columns at will, to enable REsorting on various criteria,
that may reveal where the duplication occurs. I know that Excel gives me
total flexibility in dividing and sorting data, which Search lacks.
I KNOW there is a prgogram called Windows Search v4, which I disabled
because I found it less user-friendly than the Search Companion. Does
Windows Search v4 have result-capture facility ? I could not find it myself
Many years ago there used to be a program called ExpPrint which would capture Windows Exlorer displays as CSV, that could then be opened in Excel. That appears to have resurfaced as Agent Ransack, but its results do NOT 'inteligently' paste into excel - i.e. the paste does not put e.g. all file sizes in the same column.
I was hoping in the intervening years an improved product would have been launched.
Many years ago there used to be a program called ExpPrint which would capture Windows Exlorer displays as CSV, that could then be opened in Excel. That appears to have resurfaced as Agent Ransack, but its results do NOT 'inteligently' paste into excel - i.e. the paste does not put e.g. all file sizes in the same column.
I was hoping in the intervening years an improved product would have been launched.
Hello Sebastian. I am still trying to wrap my head around what you want to achieve which is not unusual of me. :)

Meanwhile, can you please try this utility and see if it is of any help?

-- Goku
SysExporter does not offer the solution in any obvious way, but after some searching as to how it could be applied, it turned out to do EXACTLY what I want. Thank you so VERY VERY much. 150% !
Glad I could help Sebastian. Please ask any more questions or queries you may have. We will be glad to assist in any way you can. :)

And thank YOU for letting us know the status of the problem! :thumb:

-- Goku