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Edge dies a death of a thousand cuts as Microsoft switches to Chromium


Super Moderator
Aug 28, 2017
Here since I am not there
Very Experienced
An unnecessary coupling between browser and operating system made compatibility too hard.


As reported earlier this week, Microsoft is going to use Google's Blink rendering engine and V8 JavaScript engine in its Edge browser, largely ending development of its own EdgeHTML rendering engine and Chakra JavaScript engine. This means that Microsoft will be using code from—and making contributions to—the Chromium open source project.
The company's browser will still be named Edge and should retain the current look and feel. The decision to switch was motivated primarily by compatibility problems: Web developers increasingly test their pages exclusively in Chrome, which has put Edge at a significant disadvantage. Microsoft's engineers have found that problematic pages could often be made Edge compatible with only very minor alterations, but because Web devs aren't using Edge at all, they don't even know that they need to change anything.
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Also refer to this site information Microsoft Edge goes Chromium (and macOS)