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Free PC Help Now On xenForo


FPCH Owner
Super Moderator
May 17, 2009
Florida U.S.A.
Elite PC Guru
The migration to xenForo is complete. All data imported and permissions set as they were.

There is still some work to be done and they will be done before the end of the day.

If you have any questions or have any problems please let me know by starting a thread in Suggestions / Bugs / Feedback.

In the next few days I will post a thread highlighting the new features of the software as well as how to use them.

If you had use an animated avatar you will have to re-upload it. I forgot to turn on the image processor that would have retained the animation when I imported the avatars.
I have also enabled SSL for the site. This ensures your information is protected.
Looks good and I found a "New Posts" link :nevreness:

I do have some graphics missing which seems to be down to my browser, because I just tried in Chrome and its all there.
It seems ublock blocks fontawesome. Now I'm looking to find what rule I need to add to ublock to allow it.
Some threads I have to scroooooooooooool to the left on to read others show completely on the screen.
That could be a formating issue from an imported thread. Can you link to one of the threads?
Edge Windows 10 64 bit looks fine every thing fits properly.

Edit: Checked using IE on Windows 10 system same issue as with Windows 7.
I use RDP to run IE to test and I see what you see. It seems there is problems rendering in in IE. I will contact the dev to see about a fix.

In the meantime I have enabled the default xenforo style. You can use it until the dev fixes the IE bug.
I use RDP to run IE to test and I see what you see. It seems there is problems rendering in in IE. I will contact the dev to see about a fix.

In the meantime I have enabled the default xenforo style. You can use it until the dev fixes the IE bug.
Windows 7 is the only system that has IE on it and I rarely use for forums just gaming. Thank though for looking into it.