Welcome to Free PC Help, a free PC Help forum to get help with your computer problems.

Free PC Help is a community that offers free computer help and support for all users, all ages, worldwide.

In order to start asking questions or contribute on someone else's post you will first need to register. Don't worry - it's quick and easy and once you have registered you will have instant access to the entire forum.

If you do decide to join the forums you will not have the option to send Private Messages [ PMs ] or add a Signature until you have made 5 posts or more. This is an attempt to try to stop Spammers using the PM system or adding links to their Signature.

Announcement FreePCHelp.uk Forum Consolidation


FPCH Owner
Super Moderator
May 17, 2009
Florida U.S.A.
Elite PC Guru
I have consolidated all the threads into one forum. This is to make it easier to find the content you are looking for. It also makes it easier for staff to handle the topics.

Nothing else has changed. FreePCHelp.uk is her to give you the best experience and tech help that you want. We will still give you the platform to discuss or get support for all your tech topics.

If you have any comments or suggestions let me know by posting in this thread.