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Hardware Detection


FPCH Long Term Member
Jan 9, 2008
34° 12' 35" N, 118° 29' 21" W
Here is a life saver program for finding out what the hardware is in your computer
when you don't have a clue and you're trying to repair or re-install the OS from scratch.

Craig's PCI & PnP Stuff Pages Home Page

Craig's PCI Programs

Craig's PCI Pages

Craig's PCI Diagnostic software: what is this software, anyhow?

In brief, this is a suite of tools for hardware developers, engineers, programmers, system builders and the insatiably curious, that allows exploration of your PCI/AGP/PCI Express/CardBus/CompactPCI/PCI-X/PCI HotPlug/etc. hardware at the lowest level. Full source code is of course included, and is 100% freeware.

Some possible uses for these tools include the following:

- Fully Automating hardware recognition during Operating System installation via the -I option.
- Discovering what an "unknown device" is (both by manufacturer and model), so you can obtain drivers and support. A regularly updated database of over 19,000 entries lists virtually every known PCI device and manufacturer on the planet, even those that no longer exist.
- Examining your exact hardware configuration for curiosity or troubleshooting purposes (e.g. Latency, IRQ routing, AGP speed, resource conflicts and many more common problems can all be solved with these tools)
- Assisting with driver development and hardware design - examine your hardware 'live' as the OS/Driver sees it within Windows, and as the BIOS configures it within DOS via the -D option
- Exploring the source code for assistance with developing your own PCI code or hardware drivers
- Keeping up with modern hardware - with full PCI Express and multiple root-bus support via the -R option, PCI32 outperforms older tools tenfold.
- Auditing systems for hardware change: reports can be saved/printed/emailed/etc for reference and auditing purposes
- And much much more! Download and try it today!

PCI/PCI32 is different to most so-called "Diagnostic" programs, in that it totally bypasses Windows, Drivers, ACPI and the BIOS, and instead communicates directly with the actual hardware at the lowest possible level - unlike so-called diagnostic programs which merely report what the Windows API's and/or registry report, regardless of it's accuracy. PCI32 will show you what's REALLY going on, not just what Windows thinks is happening.
Note: PCI32 does NOT work with any 64-bit version of Windows. PCI32 runs under 32-bit Vista just fine,
IF you do two things - run as an Administrator, AND switch off UAC.

PCI.ZIP Version 1.1 16/03/2005- DOS,Win3.x,Win9x,ME,OS/2 version

PCI32.ZIP Version 1.6 19/12/2007 - Windows NT,2000,XP,2003,Vista etc. version

PCIVBS.VBS (right-click the link, 'save-as' to your hard drive, and double-click to run)

Here is an example image of the output from running the program in a DOS console.
