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Help please


FPCH Member
Dec 6, 2008
I am trying to install windows xp pro sp3 on a hard drive that had xp home corrupted on it.I thought I would just put the disc in boot from disk wipe the hard drive and so on ,but I now get an error message.

An unexpected error(1896231104)occured at line1773 in d:\base\boot\setup\arcdisp.c.
press any key to continue.

I have also tried using my xp home disc and same message appears is this an harddrive error or something else.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Are you sure that is the correct error code jacamo?

And as it says it occurred in drive D, which should be your Disk drive, I am not sure that it is a hard drive fault.

Did you not search on how to install another OS before attempting it?
Yes I have done it this way lots of times on other machines but for some reason this did not work ,and yes that is the right code I copied it straight from the screen.I am just wondering it was my sons machine if he has tried doing something and failed and said it was corrupt when it was broken.
it had two hard drives in and D: was the one with the OS on it,dont know why it went to D: instead of C: it was like that when my son bought it.
is D a partition in the HDD or is it all one drive?

because as you said, C is normally the default Drive but if it has been partitioned it should have a C and a D, can you remember if it did, before it errored?

and can you boot up the machine at all, onto the original XP OS?
I cannot get it to boot in the original xp it comes up with


And it was partitioned and the C: drive was wiped forgot what for now but nothing serious that is why the OS is on D:

But I have two hardrives on this machine a 250gig and a 80gig and it comes up with same message using either drive,the only difference being the numbers of the error the d:\xpsprtm\base\boot\setup\arcdisp.c. is the same.
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Okay, well first of all, can you check that there is no CDs in the drives, and no floppys if you have a floppy drive.
When you boot up, can you enter the BIOS and check that the HDD is listed there.

If so,, when you boot up again, can you see if it lists the HDD when it POSTs?

If not again, are you confident with opening up the case and checking the cables to the HDD and motherboard?

Also can you please add in the spec of your system
Both harddrives show up on the bios

My setup is
(was) windows xp home sp2
AMD athlon 64 x2 dual core 4200+ 2200mhz
2mb ddr2 memory
250 gb harddrive
80gb hardrive
1X cdwr
1x dvdwr

my son now tells me he may have tried to put the ide belt into the floppy plug on the mobo, cos the floppy was not connected and switched it on," he says he could not see properly" .So I am wondering what that could do to the system,could it have blown something.
To be honest, I am not sure now that it is corrupted, that was just what my son said, but if it is, it is still on the harddrive.but the windows cd in the disc drives should take over if I make the pc boot from one of those but it wont,and I dont know why.
Do you have the original Windows XP CD?

and does the machine actually HAVE 2 seperate HDD's or is it 1 split into 2?
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I wish to thank you for all your time and effort into solving my problem, but I have solved it, it was something as simple as ram not put in properly, my son must have disturbed it when trying to connect the ide lead. Sorry to have wasted your time and effort but it is grately appreciated, thanks again.
Yes thanks I defragged it and now it is working properly no need to even change O/S xp home is fine, thanks again.
No problem, glad it's all fixed as I'm sure everyone else that put time and effort into helping here would be too :)

You know where we are, should you need anymore advice or help or if you feel like you could pass some of your own knowledge onto someone else needing it :)

~ Problem Fixed ~

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