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I havent a clue where to start - please help


FPCH New Member
Jul 8, 2008
hi all

sorry i cant post in introductions at the mo but my connection is unstable so i gotta be quick.

basically i need to know how to connect my pc to a laptop (which i havent bought yet). im really useless when it comes to the terminology used so havent had much luck understanding anything ive found so far and would be grateful for any help you can give me.

my pc has a cracked version of winxp pro (which i only discovered recently:mad:) and the pc itself was put together for me by someone about 2 yrs ago. I am currently connected via BTbroadband hub :confused: and as the pc is sooo unstable i want to buy a laptop so i can connect the two and transfer all my important files onto laptop (just incase something happens as the pc is very unstable).

i havent got a clue where to start? please can you help:)
Hi Davania

Unfortunately you said that the computer has a pirated version of Windows and therefore we cannot offer any advise for that computer.

The best thing to do is get a legal Windows and install it. The benefits are much better and your computer will be more stable.

Edit: Reopened

Feel free to ask any other questions you may have.
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Hello Davania

Welcome to FPCH

What I would do is remove that hard drive and buy a hard drive enclosure, fit the drive in that and attach it via USB to retrieve your files.

Find out what type of drive you have, eg IDE or SATA and get the correct enclosure.

They sell them at PC World for about £25.

Then you can get your files back and then wipe the drive to get shut of the cracked copy of XP.

We don't usually offer advice on any issue when hacked software is involved be you seem genuinely concerned that it had an illegal copy on there.
thankyou Wolfeymole and maynardvdm for the advice. but as the computer is unstable (the fan is terribley loud and there is a clicking sound along with the fact that the software isnt real) i want to stop using the pc altogether and get a new laptop with a legitimate version of vista, is there anyway you can advise me how to connect the laptop to retrieve the files that way? i really dont want to continue using the pc as it has been getting progressively worse over the last few monthes and i would like to just start afresh:)

i understand though if you cannot help:)
Davania, Wolfymole is correct. The best and fastest way would be to remove the HD and put it in a HD enclosure. You pick them up cheap less than 12-30 bucks. Then just hook up the HD to the new laptop and grab the files you need off and move them over. Pretty simple.
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