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I need help installing Windows 8.1 from Windows 10. Not a reversion.

Kazene Ame

New member
Oct 22, 2018
Some Experience
I really need some help here, I can't find anything online that addresses this specific issue I have. I need to install Windows 8.1 onto my Windows 10 laptop, but all the help I'm finding is either for people who want to revert to 8.1 after an upgrade, or it's referring to an out of date method. Can someone please help me?
My laptop is a Lenovo Y50-70
Are you wanting to install Windows 8.1 along side of Windows 10?
Why do you want and or need to install Windows 8.1 windows 10 is capaible of running windows 8.1 software.
I'd like to replace it if possible, but I'd be happy installing it alongside if it's easier.
The reason I want 8.1 is that my old laptop ran 8.1, and I've been having several problems with my new laptop that my old one didn't have. Like a lot of my games will have random lagspikes and Google Chrome doesn't work at all. I'm just used to 8.1 and I never wanted 10
Here is what you will need.
Windows 8.1 Operating System Disk with Valid License Number
Drivers for all the Hardware that is installed in the computer that is combatable with Windows 8.1
Drivers will have to be downloaded form the laptops Manufacturers site
What version of Windows came with this system?
Everything that I have seen shows that the Lenovo Y50-70 came with Windows 8.1 preinstalled.

Do you have the recovery software?

Does the Laptop have a DVD player? Do you have a way to make a DVD to install the Operating System from?
Do you have an Blank DVD?
If not then will need a 8 GiB USB drive for the OS and another for the drivers.

To Download Windows 8.1 Disc Image (ISO File)

Will need the specific make and model of the laptop to make sure you get the proper drivers.