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invalid add/remove entries


FPCH Member
Sep 7, 2008
Very Experienced
i have been trying or almost 2 days now to remove some ivalid entries on my add/remove list. i have tried removing them via the registry and by using various softwares. however it seems to be impossible to remove them. also i have tried reinstalling the programs and i still get nothing removed upon uninstallation. does some one have any suggestions. i would prefer to keep my current install of windows so please dont just say REINSTALL. it is so stupid just reinstalling. you never learn anything that way. i know there is a way. there always is.
You're right there is always a way. Remove the keys under Uninstall in the registry. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Uninstall

It's a good idea to backup the registry first especially if you're unfamiliar with it.

A safer way is to use TweakUI from Microsoft.
You also need to go to the files in the C:/ drive and manually delete the files or see if within those files there is an uninstall for the program - I have used TweakUI - but I would not recommend it to someone (caused a few hairy issues for me :eek:)
Dave makes a valid point that this program should be used with caution just like editing the registry which is also an option should be used with caution. Basically that's what TweakUI does is make registry changes.

Using it for removing add/remove program entries is safe enough but stay away from the features you don't understand.

For example prior to the XP version TweakUI installed to and had to be run from the Control Panel. Unfortunately for many people TweakUI has the ability to hide the Control Panel.

The problem with that was once someone had used TweakUI to hide the Control Panel they couldn't use TweakUI to unhide it as they couldn't run it without access to the Control Panel. The registry had to modified manually to unhide the Control Panel.

As always use extreme caution with any program that deals with the registry. And don't use the features you don't have complete understanding of.
Do exactly as Randy says and if that doesn't work, then please perform the following instructions.

1. Download RegSeeker from herehttp://www.softpedia.com/get/Tweak/Registry-Tweak/RegSeeker.shtml.
2. Next open the application by executing the RegSeeker file. This should bring you to a screen as shown below.


Note: Before you proceed with anything, make sure the "Backup before deletion" box is checked as shown in the image.

3. Click on the Installed applications tab and it should provide you with the options mentioned below.


4. Choose Invalid Add/Remove entries and it should bring you a list of invalid entries in the Add / Remove programs list.
5. Select the unwanted entries by highlighting them and press the Delete key to remove them.
6. Reboot the computer.

This should most probably fix the problem. If the entries are still there, then please report back so and we will search for an alternate solution. Good Luck. :)

-- Goku