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Monitor Issues


FPCH Long Term Member
Jun 6, 2008
I have a friend who is having some problems with his Graphics Card. Here is what his problem is like:

I am having a peculiar problem with my monitor.
Whenever I try to rum any full screen application, the entire graphics shift towards left. This is happening since I upgraded my PC with Intel Core2 Duo processor, Zion 1GB RAM and Intel D946 motherboard. But previously when I had a much inferior configuration, the full screen games ran just fine. Note that I have no graphics card. My OS is Windows XP professional Service Pack 2. I have a 15" TFT monitor. What I cannot understand is whether the problem is with my graphics output module, or with my monitor. Can you please help me?

Since I am no good with hardware issues, I know that asking you all be my best option. Any input is appreciated. :)

-- Goku
You just have to realign the monitor. As there was no graphics card, that means the graphics is onboard which would change with the installation of the new motherboard. So all that should be necessary is to realign the monitor.
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Wolfey, I asked the same question and am waiting for the answer. I will let you know as soon as he informs me of it.

Bonnie, a dumb question, but how exactly do you realign and monitor? If possible, please post in in the form of step-by-step instructions so I may mail them directly to him.

Thanks for your inputs. I really appreciate it. :)

-- Goku
Wolfey, I asked the same question and am waiting for the answer. I will let you know as soon as he informs me of it.

Bonnie, a dumb question, but how exactly do you realign and monitor? If possible, please post in in the form of step-by-step instructions so I may mail them directly to him.

Thanks for your inputs. I really appreciate it. :)

-- Goku

THere should be monitor control buttons on the monitor itself which will allow the user to adjust screen positioning.

Failing that...

right click on a clear space on the desktop (the background image)
click on the "SETTINGS" tab
click "ADVANCED"

from there I need to know what options your friend sees in order to tell you what to do next.
Bonnie, it happens only when he is trying to run a full screen application. If he realigns the monitor in full screen mode, won't his screen be realigned in normal mode too? :)

-- Goku
Not necessarily. Depending on the graphics chip...there may be an option to always keep things centered. Thus why I need to know what options your friend sees when your friend runs through the steps above. :)
Well, his screen resolution is set to 1024 x 768 and that is the highest he can attain. So, now I am advising him to realign the monitor or try and hook it up on another computer. I will let you know whatever happens. Thanks for the advice. :)

-- Goku
Not trying 2 put your computer down or anything, but i'd upgrade 2 2gig Ram, just since you noted that.
Hello GreyCell and thanks for the input. Since he has recently been through an upgrade, I don't think advising him to further upgrade his RAM would be a good option for now. I will keep your suggestion in mind and post him back when he has resolved the problem. Once again, thanks for pointing that out. :)

-- Goku
Here is some very good news. Following is the message, I received from my friend:

I cannot express my gratitude for you in words, my brother. The first option corrected the problem. But a new problem has surfaced. As soon as I switch on my PC, the screen vibrates with high frequency.But now I am convinced that the problem is with my monitor. So I plan to buy a brand new TFT.

Thank you very much Bonnie, Wolfey and GreyCell for your inputs. Any ideas on the second "problem"? I think the monitor is degaussing on boot but I will wait for your views on this. Once again, thank you very much for all your help. I really appreciate it. :)

-- Goku
Hmm, that is weird....I've had a problem with my Monitor being weird whilst playing games and whatnot, was figured out that it was just the MB RAM sticks, had 2 slot them around a little...that could be the problem in your case also..."possibly...", if it aint that...you got any sorta high signal things or magnetic devices near the monitor? thats the only 2 things i really think it could be, I've read on a few websites people having problems like this vibrating constantly...and so far all i've read is that hte monitor is dying.
Goku - get him to completely remove the GC driver using the utility on the manufacturers website NVIDIA/ATI and then start the PC - it will be at a much smaller res - see if the same problem occurs