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MY Thoughts on SP1(censored)


FPCH Contributor
Nov 25, 2008
Essex UK
Some Experience
I am now 90% certain there are 2 different Win 7.
ie (WIN7) AND (WIN7 SP1)
I now think anyone who bought a computer at this time 2010 from medion or any other supplier was sold one with win7 in the hope that the buyer would have enough knowledge to update to win7 sp1when MS released it after a few months.
In my case I had so little knowledge about updates I expect there was a limit that MS allowed for OEM to be updated I must have exceeded this period.
I would never have known I did not have winSP1 if I had not tried to down load IE11. Few weeks ago.Remember I have been using this computer now for years without SP1.
Hope this makes sence.
But to repeat the one thing I will say its been worth OUR time over the last few weeks/months (and all who helped on FPCH) I have learned so much.
Hi Bob

Just for information:
Windows-7 was originally available to the general public in May 2009. [ there were various Beta versions prior to this but this was the official launch ]

SP1 was released to the public in February 2011.

Obviously machines bought in 2010 would not have had SP1 installed.
This should ( but we know differently :) ) have been updated with Windows Updates.
It worked for the majority of people but you happened to be in a minority [ large as it is ] that had problems :(