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New computer keeps failing.


FPCH Member
Jun 16, 2011
West Sus***
I bought a new Dell base unit last April with a Intel i3 processor and Windows 7 Home Premium to replace my aging XP machine. It refused to boot up:confused: so contacted Dell support who after about 25 minutes of 'sorry', 'pardon', 'could you repeat that please' decided it was a software problem..yes the good old foreign call centre.:( The message on screen is BTOA ERR NOTEPAD then X:WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\cmd.exe-startnet,cmd, next a red and black flashing screen with 8KGK15J and FAILED within it. I have had three months of trying to return this computer to Dell for a refund but they have refused.:mad:. As a novice I don't know what to do next so any advice would be appreciated please (keep it simple) thanks :o.
Hi and welcome to FpcH

I must state that I am no expert on the legalities of warranties.

It refused to boot up
If it refused to boot up from taking it out of the box then it is not fit for purpose.
As far as I am aware - you are entitled to a replacement.
Repair should not be an option because it was sold to you "not working".
You expect a working computer if this is what you have exchanged your money for.
If it is not working out of the box - it is not a computer!

Did you buy this direct from Dell or from a Supplier ?
If you bought it from a supplier then they are responsible for the replacement as your contract ( i.e. they are selling a pc and you exchange money for it ) is with them.

If this is the case - phone the firm > explain that it never worked and you have been trying to get Dell to replace it.
Explain that you now know it is their responsibility and you would like a replacement.

Be sure of your rights.

Contact the local Citizens Advice Bureau.

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You have had the machine for longer than a month so a refund may be out of the question.
However, the firm must prove that the pc was NOT faulty when you bought it.
They will have a job doing this - unless they demonstrated it to you.

A small claims court is ( apparently ) easy to take a firm to.
In your case - I can see no way that you could lose.
They would, I am sure, resolve the problem to your satisfaction if threatened with this.

If you are going to threaten this - you must be prepared to go through with it.
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Thanks for that. I won't get a refund now I know, but I would still like to get a working computer as I have paid for it. I don't feel confident enough to spend ages on the phone to get it sorted, however I have emailed them again and await a reply. I bought a Dell direct online as I had a degree of brand loyalty, but I will certainly not buy from them again after this.
I can't seem to find that file on my computer.

Can you get into safemode?
Tried again in safe mode and still the same. [MainProcessorFail] Failure Has Been Declared! [Module:usr\bin\ficore_init.py->Function:runStateScript,Line:1071. Error reported from script ficoredone_phase.py: Unable to map any servers listed under section btoa.server. All this is jibberish to me. My plan is to dispose of this computer preferably using the Clarkson method!! and put it down to experience. Should have gone to HP.
Stick with it and i would agree-go to Citizens Advice Bureau, if you have a copy of any emails that you have sent to DELL then take them with you.
The Citizens Advice Bureau will act on your behalf. You ARE entitled to a replacement unit.
I have been in a similar situation albeit with a TV but i got a new one.
Best of luck but the consumer act is on your side.