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New Windows 7


Free PC Help Contributor
Dec 5, 2013
Some Experience
Managed to decide what to have on my machine
Windows 7
Office 2007 for now. So very near to the 2003 - would not take long to get used to it
Downloading my photos - it seems have to have these folders! Will have to try and use methodically or any other ideas? I am used to
Microsoft scan and camera wizard - not available now I don't think
Have used memory stick on my very old one - as that has all my information/pictures etc
So ............. hopefully this is it
I hope to goodness this is the last time for another 9 to 10 years. Blood pressure cannot stand it!
it is one of the very minor drawbacks of Windows 7 that it insists on everything being in either numerical or alphabetical order, no longer can you put things in the order of preference or importance unfortunately.
The result of course means the folder marked "Most important" is a long way down the list from the one marked "Arts and Crafts" and is a nuisance, so if wanting that "Most Important" folder at or near the top, just add "All the" to the front of it.
The only thing you can shift around and will stay where you put it, are the desk top Icons for programs etc. (Providing you don't alter any screen settings)

One of the good things, once used to it ,is the new Windows Explorer pages. If you have a card reader installed, you can remove the card from your camera, put it in the reader and once an explorer page has been opened with the card contents, you just click on and drag each picture into the folder of choice, it saves the need for camera wizards and such.

Also, it is worth a look on Youtube for Windows 7 tutorials for good idea's about other aspects of Windows 7.

Other wise I hope you find Windows 7 is in the end a lot better, quicker, and easier to work with.

I will mention that if you have a look in our magazine pages, there are now many of Kens tutorials there as well regarding some of the more complex things you may need, otherwise any questions you have please do come and ask, we are happy to help.

Hello Nev
Yes I have been sitting watching Youtube for ages - watching the tutorials - whole new world out there!
It isn't too far away from the old XP in a lot of ways, so you shouldn't have too much trouble. Just be glad you aren't stuck with the Windows 8, that is a different story altogether.

Hi Louise

Good to hear that you are reasonably happy with Win7 - I am sure that once you get used to it you will like it as much, if not better than, XP.

You know where we are if you have any questions - no matter how "basic" :)
Dear Ken B
Went and ordered new machine - with all my notes!
Feel a little more confident with windows 7 and office 2007 by the looks of it on Youtube
I will be back - once I have my machine - just to let you know how it is going
Thank you all again
OK Louise, I hope all goes well and he builds a good machine for you. Any questions, please ask and one of us will help, which is much better than struggling with something and maybe not getting it right.

Using my new computer!!!!!
It is so near XP it is great
Me ( and long suffering hubby) set it up at home this am
A few bits are different - so may ask for help just to make new icons or shortcuts
After the past months it is smashing
Bye for now
The only really major difference from XP is the Windows explorer, unlike XP which was connected to Internet Explorer, the new Windows explorer is a separate entity. It is though very easy to work with once used to it with the libraries for each section, Documents, Pictures, Music, and Video.
By all means ask for any help with anything you have a problem sorting out.
A hint for creating desktop icons, right click on a program or even a folder, such as "Pictures", go to "Send to" and click on "Desktop (Create short cut)" and you will then have an icon on the desktop.

Many thanks Nev.
After your message - gave it a whirl - and yes did it - thank you
OK .... I do have some doucuments I would like to put into just one file
How do I make a new file named doucments. Then put my letters in this - then make the shortcut so it shows as an icon
Sorry this is basic but do not want to mess anything up while I am sorting out my bits and pieces
Thank you
OK, firstly do you have an icon on the bottom task bar like this one?

That is the Windows explorer icon and useful to have it on the bottom task bar as one click opens it.

If it is already there as it usually is by default anyway with Windows 7, click on it to open the explorer page. You should then have a listing on the left hand side, and maybe the libraries will already be opened, if not click on the library and you should then see the main folder for documents.
Double click that to open it and you should see on the top tool bar a button for new folder. That will create a folder which you can then name as for example "Letters"

If you do not have the icon on the bottom task bar, click the start orb, you should see documents, pictures, music etc, on the right hand side any way. You can open the documents folder from there any way. You can also create a desktop icon for your documents with a right click on documents as I explained earlier.

Dear Nev
Yes I have that
I will now have a play about and see what happens
Thank you
Yes! Have done that
Have an icon on the front
Now ..... to try out I wrote a note. Working on 2007 I found that the line spacing is 1.5. I have clicked a couple of times to go to 1 - but it goes back to 1.5
I have clicked on a couple of other bits to see if I can make it stay - but it goes back to 1.5
When you have a minute could you let me know how to do that?
Thank you Louise
Hi Louise,
I don't have the Microsoft office as I am using one of the free ones, so can't help with that, the last time I used any of the Microsoft was Works Word in XP, and a long time ago at that.

So maybe Ken will know more, however, I am wondering if the line spacing is connected to the font size, try different sizes is just a guess though.

Most other things in Windows 7 I can help with, unfortunately not the office software.

Now ..... to try out I wrote a note. Working on 2007 I found that the line spacing is 1.5. I have clicked a couple of times to go to 1 - but it goes back to 1.5
I have clicked on a couple of other bits to see if I can make it stay - but it goes back to 1.5
It took me ages to work that one out..... it drove me mad with that spacing.

Open Word.
Click Change Sytles >> Style Set
Now select Word 2003 from the drop list.


The spacing should be how you expect it now.
All done!
Thank you again
That's it for tonight ... too much excitment today
I've no idea why they changed the spacing..... the new 1.5 is just awful.
Dear All

Just a note to say how grateful I am for all your advice and support over the last few months

It has helped me so much - especially in the beginning

I back to happy with the machine/system I am have - but I would never have thought to have one made up

So thank you again


** I do have another question - but this is really technical - for another heading **