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Problem accessing Router USB


Free PC Help Contributor
Jan 5, 2011
Some Experience
I have a largish system in the house with several PCs and laptops connected either by lan or wifi.
All are linked on a common workgroup
All but one runs with W10pro 64bit and installation has been no problem.
Three of my PCs are near identical - i.e all the same Dell model type although they have different speed processors
However on one, due to a HDD issue, I have done a clean reinstall on a new HDD using the latest W10 iso and although installation seemed work fine I am now having two distinct issues which may or may not be related.

1) When using Edge my mouse becomes very jittery and won't respond properly

2) I can't connect to my router USB drive even though I can access the router admin just fine.
I have tried to ensure all the networking options under sharing etc are set the same on the machine yet still the problem persists
I can always see the router but not the router USB drive which does not appear as a drive

There are really only two differences for this particular pc which are.
a) the OS is in Spanish whereas all but one of the others are in English
b) this Pc is running on 4gb Ram instead of 6 or 8 which the others have,

Thinking there may be a hardware issue - I reinstalled W7 on another HDD to test the machine and it all works fine! - I can access the router USB drive easily and have no mouse jitter.

Any ideas where to start looking most welcome
Should have mentioned that the router USB drive shows up fine on all the other machines whether W10 or W7 - I cant even force the offending PC to look at it and although it connects easily to all the other shared options using \\sharename\ etc but if I do that for the router drive it says the location does not exist It seems only the router drive is invisible or not recognised for some reason. There has to be a simple reason for this!
Have now even tried a another clean w10 install but guess what - its exactly the same - jerky mouse and no router drive -
I have now given up on this and reverted the machine back to W7 from where it is working just fine. I may return to this at some time in the future but have other things which are more important a the moment.
Edge is not a very good browser, in fact Microsoft have now discontinued including it with their latest ISO releases.

You main problem is the 4Gb of RAM, this is not sufficient for Win 10, 64bit. Despite Microsoft claiming it is, any background applications will chew this up and leave insufficient to smoothly run the operating system without lots of RAM page swapping which will be slow with a slow processor.
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I don't think it is the memory as I have another PC with the same amount of ram and no issues at all! I will be glad to see the end of edge but the latest ISO I downloaded and installed 2 weeks ago still had edge.