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Rescueing photos burned as DVD


FPCH Long Term Member
Jan 5, 2008
Galashiels, Scottish Borders
Hi again, I have a DVD with a slideshow of photo burned to it. We seem to have lost the original photos, is there as way of saving the photos as individual files on the computer.
It depends shrimply but it seems to me if you have the slide show on dvd the photos should be on it too.

Go to My Computer and Explore the dvd drive to see if they are on there.

If not on the slide show dvd then the dvd is likely pointing to the files on your hard drive.

The pic files may be in a format related to the program you used. What program did you use to create the slide show?
You should be able to just pop the disk in Shrimply, right click on it, explore it and just copy the files to a folder somewhere.

Is it in some kind of Power Point presentation?
Hi, no I think although I'm not sure, I've just discovered the disk while doing some tidying up, I don't know if I even wrote them to disk, but i'm guessing it was done with windows movie maker, these are the files on the DVD

Its OK panic over found the same photos on a CD as I worked my way through the pile.

I'll answer the question anyway just to let you know, I could open the files in movie player but only as a full slideshow, I though I might get somewhere by trying it in the XP computer as that's what it was written in, but I just got up a whole load of file errors, at least Vista could read it.

Anyway the disk is now being wiped and put to a more sensble use, thanks for the help.
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