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RUNDLL problem


FPCH Member
Dec 31, 2008
Some Experience
i cannot access my"set program access and defaults" from start menu. i click then wait but nothing happens. then i try to access through control panel. on clicking the "set prog..." icon it gives message " Error loading C:\Windows\system 32\shell32.dll. access is denied" please help
What firewall are you using, if any, Paul? Is there any chance that there is more than one active firewall at a time?
Whatever you have try deactivating it and see if it solves the problem. If so we will be able to work on your settings etc.

What firewall are you using, if any, Paul? Is there any chance that there is more than one active firewall at a time?
Whatever you have try deactivating it and see if it solves the problem. If so we will be able to work on your settings etc.

i use comodo firewall and avast antivirus. turning off does not help.
please help
Please fully uninstall comodo and try again. It is not a sure thing but there has been a tie in between comodo and RUNNDLL problems. I was told that if it is Comodo, disabling is not enough and you will need to uninstall it.
o bEE cEE bEE thanks a lot for your help. ur advice did the trick. now my computer is once again up and running. thanks once again.
