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[Solved] CPU overheating


FPCH Member
Oct 4, 2011
Some Experience
Ive got a few issues with a CPU overheating, i have an AMD FX 8320 CPU cooled by a Corsair H55 all in one water cooler, well allegedly its cooled by that device, all has been running well for quite some time, but now i keep getting warnings about CPU temperatures via ASUS AI suite2, using that same app the average temperature when idle is around 60C, going up to 75-80c when web browsing/watching youtube etc. If i'm doing anything intensive the temperature sky-rockets up to 85C and my pc just shuts off immediately.

I've taken the fans off, cleaned out all the dirt and dust but its made no difference, the only thing ive noticed is a slight sound, a bubbling noise almost like chips frying every now and again.

any pointers ?
Hi Richard

Do you see any difference if you leave the side panel off ?

average temperature when idle is around 60C
This is high.

You could try cleaning the thermal paste off the pump and CPU with rubbing alcohol and apply a very thin layer then refit.
Panel off, it drops a little although not a lot, and then soon ramps up to 70c+
I tried cleaning the paste+re=applying and its made no difference.
There does seem to be an odd noise from the pump, sort of a whirring noise then it sounds as if something gurgling, then it dies down the temperature drops down to 50 for a while, before climbing back up to 60 to 75 to 85C then my pc shuts off
Hi Richard,

"....gurgling ..." I would suggest that the system needs bleeding [ air ] BUT the H55 is a pre-sealed unit so technically no need for bleeding.

Is your radiator fan intake or extract ?
Try swapping the airflow on this.
Did the water cooler come prefilled?

I would suggest the cooler may need to be RMA,Corsair should replace it no problem.

The gurggling sounds like air in the system and needs replacing...

Ive had the thing in there for a while ( few years?) so i've lost the receipt.
oddly if i put my pc on its side( so the pump is loer than the cooler) it appears to be ok for a while

Looks like it could be time for a replacement, any recommendations im on a tight budget ( under £60) and i'm after something that doesnt make too much noise
I would look into a replacement...

The cheapest so far is the Corsair H55 whih you already have.£49.99 Amazon.I suppose it depends where your buying from. Corsair Hydro CW-906000 10-W £49-99 Currys.

I can do a search and see what I come up with. But my search so far for Corsair is as I listed.Corsair H80i V2 AIO is £89-99..

The prices vairy depending were your buying from.

Does it have to be water cooled or would you go back to traditional cooling?

There are stock coolers like the Coolmaster Evo 212 I think is compat again depends on were you buy from,prices go up and down.
If you wait I am sure Ken can input with some choices for you.
Artic Freezer maybe another choice.Ive not used any of these brands.But Artic Freezer looks decently priced.
Wait until Ken gets back,he will advise you further.

It should fit,its a 120mm fan same size as you already have,its AMD compat.

You should be fine..

But any issues please come back and we can help you further,but you should be fine.

Hopeful the annoying CPU temperature exceeding 65C overheat warnings will go away
its currently chugging away at 55C idle lying on its side, going up to 68C when watching anything on you tube /iplayer.
Stand it upright and the temp just keeps climbing about 1 degree ever other second until it hits 85, then suddenly switches off

One thing i never quite got to understand ( and spent a while faffing around with)
Should the fan blow air from the outside onto the radiator and into the case, blow air through the radiator and out of the case, or suck air through the radiator and out of the case?
Should the fan blow air from the outside onto the radiator and into the case, blow air through the radiator and out of the case, or suck air through the radiator and out of the case?
This is a debatable one.
It depends on what you have in terms of other fans and what they are doing.
You need air circulating quickly around the case.
[ This is why I suggested earlier to reverse the fan ]

Stand it upright and the temp just keeps climbing
I wonder if the pump is finding it difficult to move the liquid through the pipes in this position?
It could be a bearing in the pump that is worn [ hence the noises you hear ] and turned through 90 deg there is less load on the bearing.

I hope your new cooling system gives you no problems :)
Fitting went mostly OK, ( after cutting my finger on a sharp edge in the case.
Its currently sat with a fan on the side of the case bring air in, and the radiator fans pushing air out of the case.
Idle temp is now between 32 to 40C and under load it gets no higher than 55c however with the fans turned to full via the fan xpert program the temps drop whilst under load to around 45c and when idle the cpu temp is approximately 10c above ambient room temperature
Hello again Richard,I always scrape my knuckes on something inside the PC ,every single time.

Temps apear better.You are not shutting down randomly which so far is a good sign and the gurgling has gone.

Watch the temps as you play games/under load over a period of time.

And be sure to get back to us if you have any more issues unless the guys have any other ideas on further helping you to see if the temps can be brought down further.

Good to hear Richard.
Nothing wrong with those temperatures :)