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[Solved] Ethernet connection not working.


Free PC Help Contributor
Aug 5, 2009
Some Experience
When I switched my pc on yesterday I had no Internet connection. WiFi is working fine but the connection between the router and pc isn't being recognised. I've tried plugging the cable into a different port on the router with no luck. I've tried a different ethernet cable - still no luck. In Device Manager, Network adapters, it says the device is working properly.
Any suggestions as to what to do?
We had a lot of thunderstorms could that have caused a power surge or something???
Also, whilst switching the pc off,unplugging andleaving it, the monitor has failed too, so now I can only get it on bt pressing F8 during the boot up. 🤔😬😭
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Network routers, modems and such are susceptible to power surges. It is possible that all or some of the ports on the router were damaged. I have seen it happen. Wireless works fine, but, all the ports dead.

Can you connect directly to the modem? If you can and if you get a good connection then you'll know that the router ports are bad. If you don't get a connection then the problem is in the computer.

Judging by a problem with the monitor I would bet the problem is the computer.
Network routers, modems and such are susceptible to power surges. It is possible that all or some of the ports on the router were damaged. I have seen it happen. Wireless works fine, but, all the ports dead.

Can you connect directly to the modem? If you can and if you get a good connection then you'll know that the router ports are bad. If you don't get a connection then the problem is in the computer.

Judging by a problem with the monitor I would bet the problem is the computer.
Thanks. I have 4 ports on my router and one of them connects the Powerline adapter for my Youview box. That hasn't been affected and it works even if I plug it into one of the other ports which don't work for my pc ethernet cable. the LED light for the Powerline cable is constant whereas whichever port I use for the pc's cable flashes on and off. that indicates to me that the ports are ok.
I haven't tried connecting directly to the modem as I'm not sure what you mean.
Hi Mokies,

Please confirm that this is a Win7 machine.

....the monitor has failed too, so now I can only get it on bt pressing F8 during the boot up
When you hit F8 there should be an option to boot using "Last Known Good Configuration" - give this a try.
Hi Mokies,

Please confirm that this is a Win7 machine.

When you hit F8 there should be an option to boot using "Last Known Good Configuration" - give this a try.
Yes it is and I can report that the monitor is now working ok.
Hi again,

Good to hear that your monitor is now behaving itself.
I assume that you still cannot use an ethernet cable but wireless is OK ?

Go back to Device Manager.
Make an exact note of the device listed for your ethernet connection.
We may need this later.

Now right click on it > Update driver.
[ you will need to be connected to the internet ]

If still no good - Device Manager again > right click the device > Uninstall
Re-boot the machine.
Windows should find "New hardware" and re-install the drivers.
Try the ethernet cable again.

*** What is the exact make and model of your machine please? ***
Thanks Ken, but I've already tried all that Anyway I decided to go wireless with the pc so I bought a network adapter today and I'm up and running again.:clap2:
Thanks for getting back to us. Happy to hear that you are up and running again.