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SP3 and Automatic Updates


Elite FPCH Contributor
Dec 14, 2008
Arggh! Time to bite the bullet. :( I, too, am guilty of avoiding updates because they always want to throw SP3 into the soup. Some years ago SP2 created massive problems for me. Hopefully, as someone said, SP3 has the bugs worked out by now.

I went to Wolfey's link and read up on the details. No mention was made of first removing SP2.

Do I just leave that and add SP3 to the mix?

Also, the above description mentioned "What Others Are Downloading" and listed 5 -- among them: Microsoft.Net Framework 3.5.

Is it a good idea to download those too?
SP3 and Automatic Updates

Welcome back Strugglling.

You really should have asked this in a new thread but because the title of this one is so generic I will just leave it for now. :)

The link that Wolfey posted is informational and what others have downloaded may not be needed by you.

Please do the following. Go to your Security Center in Control panel and click on automatic updates. I recommend that you allow automatic updates but at very least click on the notify me button.

Next go down a bit and click on the Windows Update Website link. You will probably be given the opportunity to have your PC checked for updates. Go through that process and download all critical updates recommended.
Did all you recommended, beeceebee. When I checked for updates it said I didn't need any.

Now another SP3 related question:

I'm a little dumb about understanding the difference between Add or Remove Programs and All Programs. So I usually look in both places to see what's on this computer.

In Add or Remove Programs I find these three:

MSXML 4.0 SP 2 (KB936181)
MSXML 4.0 SP 2 (KB954430)
DARN -- Hate it when I accidentally hit the enter button and send a half finished post To continue where it left off:

MSXML 6 Service Pack 2 (KB954459)

I'm assuming the above four entries represent SP2. But I cannot find SP3 (and yes, I did restart the machine after installing)

Where do I find SP3?
I did the good long reads of your two links. One regards security updates from August 2007. The other discusses what to do about XML Core Services 4.0 SP2 repeatedly appearing in the update list.

I'm trying to get on the same page you're on here (or maybe vice-a-versa).

When I checked for new updates it said I didn't need any.

I feel the Sp 3 installation was successful. I'm just trying to find out where SP 3 is stored on the machine so I can check to see whether it's actually there.
Service Pack 3 will integrate all the hotfixes and patches released after Service Pack 2 so you might want to consider removing the SP2 updates if you have been upgraded to Service Pack 3.

.NET Framework is a useful and essential utility as many applications use it and cannot be executed if it is absent.

Hope that helps. :)

-- Goku
you might want to consider removing the SP2 updates if you have been upgraded to Service Pack 3.

In Add or Remove Programs I find:

MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181)
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (LB954430)
MSXML 6 Service Pack 2 (KB954459)

Are these the updates I need to remove?
Are these the updates I need to remove?

I think "need" may be an overstatement.

If the PC is operating well then there probably is no need at all. On the other hand Goku really knows his stuff. Personally I have never removed sp2 and do not even know what is left on here. I like you will and should await Goku's reasons and act accordingly
No, as these are not included in Service Pack 3. The unnecessary ones are those which are present both in your Add / Removes list and the list available here.

Hope that helps. :)

-- Goku
Does it make a difference if you keep them or delete them Goku?

I've never heard of deleting old SP2 files so I'm just curious as if it DOES make any difference I will certainly do so on my XP PC :)
Does it make a difference if you keep them or delete them Goku?

I've never heard of deleting old SP2 files so I'm just curious as if it DOES make any difference I will certainly do so on my XP PC :)
Not really mate but since Service Pack 3 integrates the updated form of hotfixes, it is advisable to remove the ones downloaded through Windows Updates. There is no major performance or disk space gain but it might prove useful in the long run.

I have no technical sources to quote this from. Guess it just depends on the user's preference on what he / she wants to keep and what they want to remove.

-- Goku
Ah okay, all good advice though!

I think I will uninstall them when I get to that PC tonight.

Do you think there could be any problems happen if these are uninstalled.
In other words, would any devices rely on these SP2 hotfixes that are still on the PC?
Or would SP3 have included updated versions of them?

Just thinking of all the questions linked to this topic, I know you don't have any technical sources, just asking for interest.
Yes, Service Pack 3 will have integrated all of those hotfixes post Service Pack 2 or atleast corrected its code so that the hotfix is no longer required. If you are unsure, then verify the list of fixes you plan to uninstall with those provided in the link before so that you know if it has been integrated or not. I, personally have removed, all Service pack 2 updates but I guess I just prefer a cleaner Add / Remove list.

-- Goku