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FPCH Long Term Member
Jan 5, 2008
Galashiels, Scottish Borders
Hi , I don't know if this is the right place I could of sworn there was a multimedia section but can't see one.

Can any one suggest some good free TV viewing software, I have a cheap USB digital receiver, it came with blaze TV software which is rubbish and I've been using it happily with windows media centre on vista but looking for something for the XP computer, any suggestions? thanks
Well I think you'd have to at least get a TV card shrimps and the software would be with that.

Or are you being confusing again lol just kidding mate. :D
Confusing yeah probably.

I have a USB TV thing, which gives me digital TV on the computer.

When I got it, it came with Software called Blaze TV, which I didn't like at all, it won't let me re-order the channel list etc.

I've been using the "USB DVB-T receiver" successfully with the media centre on vista, but I'm looking for an alternative on the XP computer,

LOL did that make any more sense.
Let me get this right the aerial plugs into the receiver and that plugs into a usb socket on the pc yes?
Yeah thats right, probably only any good if you live on top of a hill opposite a mast, but guess what we do.

Its got its own little aerial that I use, but an adapter so you can plug it into a roof aerial if you want, but thats not really important.
Well I'm flummoxed shrimps as I just can't understand how you manage to obtain any reception without an aerial being plugged in.

Is the mini aerial like a set top aerial type of thing?

This is not some kind of infra red receiver picking up signals from another room is it?
Arrr right

Ok well I doubt any other software would work with that hardware shrimply.
Thanks, I've got bigger problems anyway, I think SP3 is to blame ( no I know i is) when trying to install the driver I get.

"Install Hotfix First"

Can't find anything on the net to help, tried downloading drivers from the manufactures website but same thing happens.

It appears to me that SP3 causes a lot of problems, I was having other problems yesterday also caused by it.
Hmmmm... the second problem you state is very rare indeed. What medium are you using to install the driver from?

-- Goku
Glad you got it working again Shrimply. :)

If you want, you can state those "other" problems you were having too. We might be able to find a solution for them too.

-- Goku
I actually found a program called GBPVR which is almost exactly what I was looking for, still having a bit of a problem with the EPG but I'm sure i'll get there.

I don't understand why so many of these programs have such flaws when windows Media Centre manages to do it so simply and well, a first for Microsoft perhaps.