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Upgraded Firefox

Ned Seagoon

FPCH Member
Jan 14, 2018
Very Experienced
I'll start a new thread as the other one is as old as the hills and praises Firefox, I want to blast them.

Today I upgraded Firefox, after holding off for a while, so any bugs would have been fixed. I've moved to version 56.0.4 (64 bit) and I'm disappointed, not with the browser, it seems to work fine, but because things seem to have been moved around just for the sake of moving them around.

I've always been a visual person, remembering things with stored images in my brain, I think many others use this method of remembering also, but when something is moved or renamed it makes it harder to use, especially for old fogies like me.

This was a trick of Microsoft, to make people think thy had something new, when all they had was an updated version of what they had before, but users had to learn it all again because it looked different.

But the thing that really bugs me about this new version is that my bookmarks have all been mucked about. I can't find anything now, yes the bookmark toolbar is essentially the same but the others are all hard to find, no good saying search, I've no idea what I called them, just around how far they were down the list, now I can't even find the list.

Why do these fools have to change things, just because they can, I suppose. Does not endear me to Mozilla, and I say this as someone who previously sang their praises from the rooftops.
I've moved to version 56.0.4 (64 bit) and I'm disappointed, not with the browser, it seems to work fine, but because things seem to have been moved around just for the sake of moving them around.
Wait until you try Version 57 !!! it's a nightmare, most of the addons don't even work with it now.
When I got Firefox Quantum and found my addons weren't working, specifically NoScript, I checked the NoScript website and it said the version I had would work with Firefox ESR so I installed that instead of Quantum. At the moment I have Firefox working with no problems and all the addons I'd been using still work fine.

Not sure what will happen when this ESR version gets updated later this year but hopefully by then the addons will all be undated and working.
At one point I managed a group that included a web developer. I think he liked to make changes just to justify his job.