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Why did I have to "finish setting up windows" today?


FPCH Member
Apr 7, 2014
Very Experienced
I've had my Windows 10 desktop since November last year but today when I started it I had to go through a load of boxes to finish setting up Windows - no explanation as to why?
I told I didn't want to change the browser settings, presumably it wants me to use Edge but I don't.
I had to tell it I wasn't interested in Office 365 - again.

I don't mind it doing updates but why ask all this stuff on at boot with no explanation why.
These update happen regularly, on some of them Microsoft try to get you to use their application rather than others you have installed, in the case of Edge, their browser, they can then push their ads to you in the hope you will spend money and they can get a commission. Or in the case of Office 365, to take out a subscription, so you'll have to pay them money.

It's all to do with becoming rich, or in our case spending more than we need to.
Lucky I know what I'm doing then because I told them where to go as I clicked to leave the browser settings as they are and told it I don't need 365 😂