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xp wont activate


FPCH Member
Oct 17, 2013
Some Experience
I have a pc loaded with windows xp home +sp3, for which I have the genuine windows disc that I purchased legally.

Recently due to problems with a printer software I had to edit the printer in the registry.
Because of the registry being altered windows asked me to reactivate my copy. I tried to but for some reason the activation would not do anything.
Then I read on a website that I could alter the registry so that windows would no longer require re-activation.
Going into hkey_local_machine\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\wpaevents and edit oobetimer key value and set its value to ff d5 71 d6 8b 6a 8d 6f d5 33 then select system group/user and check deny all options.

This I have done very carefully but still windows asked for reactivation. Now the time limit has run out and all I get is part of the desktop picture no icons, and the window asking me to activate it. as I have no desktop items showing I cannot connect to the internet to do the activation.
Fortunately I have two drives in my system, both loaded with windows xp home from the same disc.
So I have been able to connect to the internet by going into the second drive and using that.

How can I activate windows on my C drive

Any ideas ?
Hi John

Because of the registry being altered windows asked me to reactivate my copy.
I have not heard of this before.

Then I read on a website that I could alter the registry so that windows would no longer require re-activation.
Windows should not require re-activation at any time once it has been activated.
If you have tried to by-pass a Microsoft function they are not going to be too happy :)

Now the time limit has run out
You had 30 days to activate the OS. If the installation was legitimate , as you say, then it would have made more sense to contact MSoft before altering the Registry again.
Sorry to sound negative and I know it is not helping - this is really for other members who may have similar problems. :)

If you have the original XP Installation disk you could try a Repair Install.

The installation on the second hard drive - was this done using this same XP Installation Disk ?
This problem has happened to me before with windows asking me to re-activate it. I have just forgotten exactly what it says, but it is something like "due to significant hardware or registry changes you must re-activate your copy of windows" The only hardware changes was me uninstalling a printer and then re installing it.
Windows did not give me the 30 days as it usuallly does, only about 2 days. now it wont activate at all.
You wonder why I have got a copy of windows on each drive. Well this is due to having many occassions of windows developing faults. the last time I decided to reformat drive C and reload windows. I already had windows on drive D because C had gone down so I just left that on.
I have tried the repair install before I contacted the forum but this did not clear the problem. System has been scaned with Avast and Malaware Bytes and finds nothing.

I know Mr Gates is not happy with his multimillions of dollars but he makes the rules and I accept that.
Because windows on the C drive does not completely load, it wont connect to the internet to reactivate..

I bought the computer about 10 years ago from"Mesh computers". I came preloaded with windows, as most pc's do but no recovery disc.
Some years ago, after windows went badly wrong the only option I had was to purchase another copy of Windows Xp and reformat/reinstall.
I now realise that all I bought was the licence to use the program..
"you buy a car, you can use it but it is not yours"!!
I was asking about the second drive as M$oft are funny about using the same disk on two installations at the same time.

2 Days ..... This is very odd as M$oft is 30 as far as I am aware.

The repair install didn't work ?
I wonder if M$oft have put a black mark against your Product Code?

As you cannot activate it via the internet ( no access ) I suggest a call to M$oft.
They will give you another Product Code. [ see below first ]

Have you tried the following?

CTRL + ALT + Del ......................... Task Manager
If it opens .....
File > Run New Task
Try opening Internet Explorer from there.

You could try typing in ......msconfig after Run New Task
If this opens you can run System Restore from there and take the registry settings back to an earlier date.
Hi Ken.
Here is what happens. I have set the bios to boot from drive "D" which is the one that will fully boot. so I reboot the sysytem and press f8 key to get the alternative booting options then I chose drive "C" this boots as far as the blue windows welcome screen, with the message box that says"you must activate windows before you can logon" "do you wish to active windows now yes/no" I makes no differance if whether I say yes or no; all that happends is that the desktop picture background loads and that's it. Ctrl-alt-del does not open nor does the windows key do anything. even if a got a code from Microsoft there is nowhere available to enter it.
I did previously try system restore before the activate days ran out. but it didn't solve the problem.
I have internet access on drive "D" but drive "C" doesn't load the internet connection.
Hi, just to add here, if the disk you bought was only a single license disk and you installed it on two different drives, that is against the licensing rules.
As far as the operating system and the Microsoft monitoring system is concerned their computer must have picked up on what you have done and basically has shut down one of them.
Considering the fact that Microsoft have now discontinued all support for XP you might get somewhere if you ring them up, but don't be surprised if there is little help from them now, however no harm in asking as there isn't much more we can suggest.
Even though the two different drives are on the same machine, the two operating systems should be covered by two different licenses, one for each.

Also I must add that all software is covered by copyright law and the only person or persons to actually own the software are those who made it, operating systems included. You only have the right to use any software if you have paid for the license to do so. The only time where you don't pay is for the free stuff built under open source or other systems supporting free to use softwares, even then, the software is still owned by the creator, not you.

HI Nev I understand what you say and cannot disagree.
Is there anyway I can remove the o/s from the "C" drive without loosing all the other files/data ?
I believe you can do something along those lines, however I am a little out of touch now regarding the old XP, so Ken may know what is the best way to actually do it, please wait till he can get back to you.

Hi John

There is no easy way to remove XP completely.

The majority of the XP files are stored in C:/Windows
If you delete this folder you will certainly have removed the ability to use Windows on that drive.
There are numerous registry entries - which I would be inclined to leave.

You would need to do this from the OS on D: Drive. [ you cannot delete Windows files from the system using those same files ]

I am not sure if you dual boot this system at present.
If so then you may need to check the Bootini file and make any changes here that are necessary so that there is no delay in booting from just one OS.
It may be best to do this first.
I think the Bootini would be deleted when you delete "Windows" - but to be on the safe side check this first.
Having thought about this since, and also having now read Kens reply, a couple of questions please, firstly, if you start up on the D drive with the Windows that is working, is the at present C drive connected in such a way that the system running on the D drive can see the C drive?

Secondly, if it can see the C drive, can you access all the data and files that are on it?

If the answer is yes to both questions, do you have enough room on D drive for a copy of all that data?

A lot then does depend on the answer to Kens post regarding the dual boot if it is set up that way, and the associated bootini files and on which drive they are.

However you should be able to just copy everything over to the at present D drive that you wish to keep, then just do a complete reformat of the present C drive providing the bootini files are on the original C drive.

The working Windows XP on D may then automatically revert and call itself C drive. If it doesn't, does it matter? though with some fiddling, the drive letter can be changed to C.

I have the two drives set up on Raid, When I boot using the "D" drive I can see some of the files on "C" but not all.
It doesn't allow me to see the emails on Mozilla Thunderbird for instance.
Hi John, sorry but I am not at all familiar with the various types of RAID set ups so unfortunately can only ask for you to wait till Ken or some else with RAID knowledge can get back to you.

Hi John,

This is a bit outfield. But could you physically swap the drives so that D is C and alter the BIOS accordingly? I don't know how to read your system details, like I used to be able to, so I don't know if you're using SETA drives, although I suspect you are. You can then use your Windows disk to treat D: as a slave disk without losing your existing data. Did you say how you were using the RAID, ie what level, as my answer may conflict with that unless you can reconfigure the controlling application.

I've been out of combat for a while, so listen to the veterens first, before me. Good luck.