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Can't get vista to work properly


Free PC Help Contributor
Jan 5, 2011
Some Experience
I have an Acer travelmate 5720 which I was hoping to use to transfer some videos as it has a firewire port. Alas over the years the laptop it was updated to W7 then later to W10 but W10 did not support the firewire port properly and I could not find drivers that worked so I decided to revert to Vista as the machine still has the licence sticker on it but after loading up the correct version it I keep getting messages to "activate" but when I try it is always rejected even if I use the correct licence code. Further problems are that now I cannot find a way of connecting a browser as the supplied internet explorer wont work and also the ethernet port seems not to want to work properly either nor is the video display what it should be. Acer don't seem to offer the correct drivers anymore and although I have tried downloading a few from the web none seem to do the job and I can't get the firewire port to recognised anything. Seems a shame as the machine otherwise seems fine. Anyone had any experience of anything like this as I would like to get the machine back to factory condition again if possible?
Hi Joddle,

Sorry for the delay, I've been laid up for a few days.
so I decided to revert to Vista as the machine still has the licence sticker on it but after loading up the correct version it I keep getting messages to "activate" but when I try it is always rejected even if I use the correct licence code.
When a computer is upgraded from Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 8.1 to Windows 10, the previous version of Windows is retained on the hard drive for approximately 28 days.
This feature allows a user to revert back to the previous version of Windows for any reason.
After 10 days (30 days in versions of Windows 10 prior to Anniversary Edition) the old version of Windows is removed to free up space on the hard drive.
I think you'll find that the activation key has been transferred to the Win10 operating system now, so you won't be able to use it with an earlier version.
I cannot find a way of connecting a browser as the supplied internet explorer wont work
Users of Internet Explorer will have to look for alternatives as Microsoft has announced that from, 14th February 2023, it is to deactivate its old browser software once and for all.
W10 did not support the firewire port properly
Microsoft officially discontinued support for Firewire with the introduction of Windows 10 OS.
But, it seems as though there is a workaround... see if this helps.
