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Free Software for ALL!

The thing is John, Crap Cleaner when used incorrectly can be lethal and we don't advocate it's use at all on the forums.
My Addition - Change Your Logon Screen!

Logon Studio 1 (XP) & Logon Studio 1 (VISTA): allow you to change the background of your login screen by either downloading one from their site, or by using a jpeg of your own.

Info Links & with download link:
Logon Studio 1 (Vista) - LogonStudio Vista - Free software downloads and reviews - CNET Download.com

Logon Studio 1 (XP) - LogonStudio - Free software downloads and reviews - CNET Download.com

I have the vista Version and i made a custom background (that i call midnightcolors, its got a microsoft feel but much darker. :p that's it below.

It must be me getting old, but I fail to understand the point of programs like these.

I understand wanting to customize a desktop and do it myself. But a log in page?

Why install an entire program in order to change the appearance of something that you see for a few seconds. This one may be safe, I don't know, but are you aware of the many screensaver downloads that come packed with malware?
I was hoping someone would say what I was thinking.
Just because something is cool does not mean its good. Or even worse.

Although I don't know this program loading superfluous things with no benifit should be thoroughly researched and tested first.
I have known about stardocks programs for a long time, but I have also seen many problems caused by their programs, I once, used to want all these programs to customised every inch of my windows but after a few of their problems, I've learned the hard way :P

Cost me a brand new copy of windows to get rid of the problems.

But as well, on the other hand there are people who have had no problems at all.

Just your choice, as long as you know the risks then that's all we can do
The issue King is not whether this particular piece of software is safe or not. You are a good member, post all the time and I am sure would never consider steering any other members wrong.

My concern, actually, is for you. I would hate to see a post from you warning members against a bit of software and relating a horror story.

The web is filled with this kind of software, it looks harmless and kind of cool. Screensavers, desktops etc. are known to be trouble.
Thanks For Heads Up.

Thanks For The heads up. I have used one of their more complex programs but i didn't like it. I only use logon Studio because it's simple enough that i'm not too worrried about it screwing things up. Their more complex programs are all pretty much doing the same thing and seem dangerous since you actually start modifying buttons and layouts (delete the wrong one and ur screwed). I am aware of all the risks and appreciate your forewarning. :p
I understand wanting to customize a desktop and do it myself. But a log in page?
There are some "advanced" users out there who want to customize Windows XP in every way as possible. By "tweaking" the settings, they modify every possible aspect of it to flaunt it as a cool machine and a performance monster. There is even a book that explicits provides the instructions to do so and I might mention that it has been moderately successful.

Why install an entire program in order to change the appearance of something that you see for a few seconds. This one may be safe, I don't know, but are you aware of the many screensaver downloads that come packed with malware?
Most of these programs are safe as they replace the default Windows boot screen logo with a custom one. By safe, I mean that they are not loaded with Malware, Foistware or any other unwanted applications. Needless to say, there have been cases when such softwares have corrupted the kernel files and rendered computers unbootable.

Not pointing anything at you King; just explaining the general reasons behind such customizations. :)

-- Goku
A few free programs I would recommend would be VLC player which will play pretty much anything without codecs.

VLC media player - Overview

And Spotify which is a relatively new program which is like a much, much better version of last fm, which for the unaware is a music streaming site.

This site is working in co-operation with many of the major labels (i.e. legal) and is totally free as long as you dont mind an advert every 8-10 songs or so in which case you can subscribe to the paid service.

The catalogue is massive and diverse and there's almost no loading times,It's in it's beta stage at the minute and (apparently) invite only but if you go to the link you should be ok.

If you like it, spread the word as this could help mean the end of music piracy eventually


What's the best software for converting movie formats? Any good freeware for that? And does anyone have an opinion on the free software Graboid? And I agree with everyone free software is great. I can remember when computers used to come with free software whenever you bought them. Now it seems the best the can muster is free trials. can't even get microsoft word for free on your pc anymore. what a scam.
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One thing not mentioned here is the good free security software available which can be found in our recommended security software section here-
Here is a good one for folk still on Windows XP and hate all the messing about with "Print screen" "Paint" and then the subsequent trimming of the shot just to show a certain element of the screen for a screen shot.
It is called MWSnap, and if you use the "Any rectangular area" facility, you can lassoo any small area of the screen for that screen shot of a warning message, or just a small area of a photo.
Mirek's Free Windows Software
I have been looking for a resizing free program for a long time,that resizes Animated GIF Images,and doesn't lose the Animation,like a lot of Programs do.

Found an online Program called GIFWorks.com! Free Online GIF Tools

Works a treat,and you don't have to install the program.

Great for resizing Animated Images, for your Avatar,or Signature.:)
Another Program I can recommend is called "Everything"
Find anything on your operating system,instantly.
You will be amazed how fast, this small program is.
Runs in the background.
Personally,I wouldn't be without it.
Tell us what you think of it.:)

Everything Search Engine
A trawl through the list shows no one has posted a link to Revo uninstaller yet, so to correct that here it is-
Download Revo Uninstaller Freeware - Free and Full Download
A great utility that first uses the applications own uninstaller, then searches for and presents all the left behind bits for removal as well.
With Revo, you know that the program has definitely gone, and also that the space is definitely free on your hard drive.