The thing is John, Crap Cleaner when used incorrectly can be lethal and we don't advocate it's use at all on the forums.
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There are some "advanced" users out there who want to customize Windows XP in every way as possible. By "tweaking" the settings, they modify every possible aspect of it to flaunt it as a cool machine and a performance monster. There is even a book that explicits provides the instructions to do so and I might mention that it has been moderately successful.I understand wanting to customize a desktop and do it myself. But a log in page?
Most of these programs are safe as they replace the default Windows boot screen logo with a custom one. By safe, I mean that they are not loaded with Malware, Foistware or any other unwanted applications. Needless to say, there have been cases when such softwares have corrupted the kernel files and rendered computers unbootable.Why install an entire program in order to change the appearance of something that you see for a few seconds. This one may be safe, I don't know, but are you aware of the many screensaver downloads that come packed with malware?