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Size of Australia comparison to Europe.

You guys are whacked.

i'm going back to my cave:D

BTW- That was a beautiful pic Wolfey.
Even South Africa is bigger than England, Scotland and Wales, but not the whole Europe. NZ is very small again.

I would also like to visit Australia. :)
My relatives in Wales would be so, so happy that you didn't lump them in with England, maynardvdm! Huge smile!

Okay DSTM, those photos were downright scary! (I'd add a smiley here if only I knew how) ... one look at those snakes in real life this healthy heart would stop from sheer horror! Give me our big furry bears anytime!

Gotta admit that what I thought I knew about Australia was mostly incorrect, though. Knew it was huge and knew you have nasty creatures both on land and in the sea - but now I've spent time researching it, wow, what a beautiful Country!
Your furry bears, can be real nasty, too,Mara.
This is what happened, when a Game Warden, tried to release a Brown Bear, back into the Wild.
This Guy was lucky.He only needed 53 stitches.






Aah, yes ... furry does not = friendly. Poor fellow but yes, he's lucky. A lady here was gardening in her front yard a couple weeks ago and guess a bear mistook her for breakfast - even the neighbours stoning and hitting it with anything handy didn't scare it off. Sadly, her face and well as nearly all other body parts was pretty gnawed on before police arrived to shot it.

We teach our children here to never, ever turn and run - no matter how terrified they are. And arm them with 'bear sirens' - can only hope neither of our little fellows will need it.

Something to remember when buying a new house in an unfamiliar area (gentle smile) ... "location" may be "everything" in real estate terms but there can be such a thing as living a tad too close to nature.

Surely snakes and other scary critters are limited to your 'out back' areas, DSTM ... not something that visits when you're enjoying your sunshine outside, I hope?!
I have seen 1 snake, here in Sydney in 44 Yrs, and having spent another 20 yrs in the Country,I would have seen 7 or 8 snakes in that whole time,where they are mostly seen.
That gives you some idea,they are not a problem, to be concerned about,Mara.:)
However, Bears at my front Door, would make me a little edgy.
I would also guess, Dalo,from the mauling, that Warden got,on the ground,he would have more cuts,than the one shown on camera. As for 53 stitches,I naturally wasn't there to verify.:)
Well I won't go hunt down all the details, but from what I've heard...;)

Australia has something like 7 of the most deadly creatures in the World. Not sure how that happened. But different Websites don't seem to agree on what ones are or are not.

As for size, well I think that RUSSIA, CANADA, and USA for land mass would each swallow Australia as well. Not shaped well to show it but by dimensions they're each much larger.

As for population the top 3 are: China, India, USA

List of countries by population

This list shows Australia 6th in rank
List of countries and outlying territories by total area

Sorry to resurrect a thread, but since this shows up on Google searches, you might want to note that you made the NASA error of forgetting to convert your units. The size listed for Europe is in square miles, not square km. Europe is just over 10 million km2, Australia 7.6 million. Still big, but not bigger than Europe. Or Brazil for that matter. While we're on it, Brazil is bigger than the contiguous US (i.e. minus Hawaii and Alaska.)
Hi Binks,Thanks for bringing the error to our attention.
I don't mean to be fussy but where is the whole of Scandinavia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltics and the european part of Russia? It's not like that wouldn't count :)
I don't mean to be fussy but where is the whole of Scandinavia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltics and the european part of Russia? It's not like that wouldn't count :)
Proving a point sometimes requires a small modification of the truth:P Doesn't change the fact the Australia seems to be one of the coolest places on the planet and I just can't wait for my Sydney trip in the summer.
I never imagined that Australia could completely engulf the whole of Europe. The map is fantastic.

BUT, I hate to be a spoilsport. Whereas Europe is most certainly the most dominating developed region (not much wasteland in Europe) in the world outside the USA (which also has a huge wasteland factor), Australia is almost a Island Continent of nothing. Sand and snakes etc.

An estimated 44% percent, or over one-third of Australia is made up of sandy or stony arid desert, while another 37% is semi-arid grassland or scrub. Wow ! 81% of the country is useless, other than some of it being grazing land for cattle. So apart from being a surprising comparison of land area, the statistic is not very interesting or complimentary. A kind of irrelevant fact.

AND on 18 May 2012 the entire Australian population is only a mere 22,908,049. The population in May 2012 of the UK is 62.3 million. Nearly 3 times more for a peanut of the size.

A true analogy of David and Goliath.

Having posted a reply in the context of that lovely map comparison, I have a problem.

It appears that Australia is NOT as large as Europe, so the map comparison is false. The two areas cannot be to the same scale. See this :-

1. Asia - 44,700,000 sq km
2. Africa - 30,300,000 sq km
3. North America - 24,360,000 sq km
4. South America - 17,770,000 sq km
5. Antarctica - 14,000,000 sq km (island continent)
6. Europe - 9,940,000 sq km
7. Australia - 7,686,850 sq km (island continent)

Europe is the world's second-smallest continent by surface area, covering about 9,940,000 sq km.

Australia is the world's smallest continent with a landmass of 7,686,850 sq km.
Australia is smaller than Europe by around 1.5 million km[SUP]2[/SUP] (989,000 sq miles).

Well you sure live and learn.
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@up burn!

Well, after having seen that photo of the snake you can be sure I'll stay FAR away from Australia (not to mention the heat and sunburns). And to the person who mentioned that Australia is mostly deserts - exactly my point. Although visiting Sydney would be nice (and I imagine all those wild beasts don't really reside in major cities)...
@up burn!

Well, after having seen that photo of the snake you can be sure I'll stay FAR away from Australia (not to mention the heat and sunburns). And to the person who mentioned that Australia is mostly deserts - exactly my point. Although visiting Sydney would be nice (and I imagine all those wild beasts don't really reside in major cities)...
Funnel web spiders......