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Welcome to Windows 8

Am using Win 8 on dual boot desktop with two 3D screens even though I cant see 3D lol , what I do like like Ken is the boot up times , I also like xbox music , homegroup/filesharing so much easier to set up , what I don't like is desktop background slideshow wont sync as it does with Win 7 but that's mainly cosmetic , realistically am used to them both now so either 7 or 8 I don't mind unless its my netbook then its 7 cos 8 don't look right on it
I know its old fashioned but i do prefer XP and Windows 98SE :)

Now that all the New machines are been shiped with Windows 8 it sounds like an going to have to Exam to boast it up to Windows 8 :/
rencontre marseille


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Je suis désolé - vous êtes banni maintenant
Today Windows 8 released its major update from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1 via Windows Marketplace at 12.00 I have done this myself today without much of a hitch took about 25 mins without no loss of programs
I don't have Windows 8 at all, however I have just heard that Windows 8 is a pig.
Windows 8.1 is a pig with lipstick!! :D

I don't have Windows 8 at all, however I have just heard that Windows 8 is a pig.
Windows 8.1 is a pig with lipstick!! :D


Windows 8 and now 8.1 are OK in my opinion, or as OK as any other OS I've used. What Microsoft OS has never come in for any flak? I can remember XP coming in for just as much as Windows 8 has. Throughout its life, XP has always been added to, manipulated and customised with various third-party programs. Yet now people treat it as an old friend and many don't want to say goodbye to it.

I think the of the change from Windows 7 to 8 as being comparable to the change from Windows 3.11 to Windows 95. At the time, it was a completely different way of presenting an OS. It was not well received by some.

Windows 7 good? Complaints have been pretty prolific about Libraries and the files that won't arrange or stay where they are put in a list of files. Yet now people say this OS is one of the best released by Microsoft and they aren't going to change to a later one.

My own thoughts on this are that Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 are no different. Presentation has changed just as with 3.11 to Windows 95. Not to everyone's liking but it continues to do the job just the same as the previous operating systems have. It runs all of my program well and starting them up via tiles instead of a fly-out menu doesn't worry me.

I don't think there will ever be a magic operating system that will be to everyone's liking. This applies to all platforms from what I read. There is always something about any of them that people would like to change ..and they can all give trouble. So nowhere to run really if wanting to keep taking part in the world of computers.

I like to keep up with Microsoft operating systems. They provide good computer interest if nothing else. Being an early adopter usually saves money. I pre-ordered Windows 7 before its release date for a very good price. Went for Windows 8 when offered at a knock-down price and downloaded the Windows Media Centre while the offer was there. Financially, it pays to progress the next OS early on.

Why keep releasing new and different operating systems when the previous one works? Just progress the same as happens in all fields. A business has to do that or it will stagnate. My present car doesn't do any different to the one I had twenty years ago, yet I didn't keep the old one just because it ran OK.