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Hello Irui. You need to reset your boot order in the BIOS so that you can boot from your Windows discs. The following article will assist you in doing so.

How to Set BIOS to Boot from CDROM

The instructions might vary from computer to computer so try to find your way around the BIOS. After you have set the BIOS boot order, boot from the disc and use the instructions in the below article to reinstall Windows.

How to install or upgrade to Windows XP

After you have installed Windows, install only the necessary drivers which you have on your disc and nothing else. If all is done as instructed, your computer should run at its best. Install the network adapters for your modem and then you will be able to get back online.

Note: The Windows reinstall will remove all data and programs. Please backup any necessary data or software before you proceed with the above instructions.

After you have done the above, please report back here and we will give you our recommendations so that your computer operates smoothly for some time. Ask anything if you have any doubts.

Hope that helps. :)

-- Goku
Do you know if you have a SATA hard drive or an IDE one.

Also, do you have a floppy drive and floppy disk?

Just need to know before we start.
Do you know if you have a SATA hard drive or an IDE one.

Also, do you have a floppy drive and floppy disk?

Just need to know before we start.
Ah, quite forgot about it. Thanks for bringing it to our attention, Scott. :)

Irui, you might have a SATA / RAID drive in which case you will have to install their drivers first before Windows can recognize your drive. Please read the following article to learn more about it and how to get around the hindrance.

How to install Windows XP on a SATA hard disk

Let us know how it goes though. Good Luck.

-- Goku
Your computer is very close to being clean, and my suggestion for the video driver solved the scrolling problem. The desktop problem can be easily fixed by using a certain repair utility in SAS. BTW-Go ahead and get the raid driver.

Did you use the laptop to get SAS and install it on the desktop?

Also, given how close you are to a full resolution, I think an XP install is not only overkill, but very precarious given that you have a custom built system.
Rather than a "custom built" system Seth I think Idot has been sucked into buying a box he knows nothing about.

What I'd do is go back to the shop where he bought it and ask just what components were involved.

Then get the drivers for each individual item.
Rather than a "custom built" system Seth I think Idot has been sucked into buying a box he knows nothing about.

What I'd do is go back to the shop where he bought it and ask just what components were involved.

Then get the drivers for each individual item.

Well he's pretty close to having the computer up and running properly. To repair the final couple of problems should be fairly easy.

I just get the feeling that Id has no idea what he's getting into for an installation of an operating system.

Anyway, back in a few hours.
It's your option as to which course of action you choose to take here. If you still wish to attempt to repair this computer please let us know.

Whatever you decide please pay very close attention to how to perform the steps and report back in detail on everything as well as answer any questions we may have. Doing so will help us help you.

You should also ask yourself how this happened in the first place and rethink your ideas of what is safe and not safe as well as get good security products installed.

Good luck.